To order a pump upgrade, please following the following instructions:

  • Place your order online. We will not start work on any package received until we have received payment. This has not always been the case but we have built several pumps that people could not afford to pay for after they were completed, thus we were out time and materials for the upgrade.
  • Remove your core pump - we do not sell cores. On om617 engines, timing is 24 BTDC with the mark on the notch unless you have a rare pump where the mark is not under the bolt, then the notch is aligned on tooth 3. For om60x pumps, timing is 8-10 ATDC, NOT the factory setting.
  • Prepare for shipping.
    • Drain the oil
    • Remove unnecessary accessories. Accessories like fuel lines, banjo fittings, drive couplers (om617), lift pumps, etc are not needed and simply get bagged when they arrive at Bosch. There is no need to send these.
    • om617 MW pumps, we NEED the ADLA but shippers have been hard on pumps and the most common issue is that boxes are dropped on the ALDA or other boxes are placed on the box. Simply removing the ALDA and putting it in the box can save a lot of time and money by preventing the damage.
    • om60x pumps, we do not need the ALDA at all
    • Double back in a thick gauge plastic bags
    • We DO need shutoff valves installed on the pumps
  • Shipping.
    • Charges. The customer pays shipping to us and we have estimated return shipping. If customers send in heavy or elaborate packages that must be returned (like plastic totes or wooden crates), additional shipping charges may be added
    • No leaks: Please be sure to package it up so it doesn’t leak … wrapping it in a thick mil trash bag usually works fine after draining the oil out of it. Some carriers will return it if it’s leaking. Make sure to drain all the oil before packaging
    • Pad it well: We had a customer’s pump go through the box when shipped with UPS. They assumed it was damaged and threw it away!
    • Declared value: Ship the pump with an amount you value your core pump at. UPS threw the above pump away and did not reimburse the shipper because he did not put a value on it
    • Include order information. Include a copy of your order in the box so I know its yours. We upgrade a lot of pumps and without documentation as to ownership, we will not know whose it is if the shipping label is damaged.
    • We are not responsible for pumps damaged in transit to us.  You will need to work with your selected transport company through the claims process.  We are happy to hold the parts for 30 days and take supporting pictures as needed to help with your claim
    • If we ship your pump to a partner, unbuilt pumps are insured for $500 and fully built pumps are insured for $999.  If you would like additional insurance, additional fees will apply.  Any damage done, or loss incurred, during the shipping process will only pay out the maximum insured value, thus if you order a pump upgrade and a carrier loses your pump yet there is evidence it was shipped, the maximum reimbursement is $999 - not to value of your core and another upgrade service.  Please let us know if you would like full coverage in advance.  This gets costly as it requires us to get driver signatures and pay additional fees.  
  • Other mentions.
    • Some pumps arrive very worn.  Additional costs may be incurred for flyweight repair or other misc. costs.  We will always communicate this with you prior to proceeding further.  If these fixes are required for proper calibration and not performed, the services will not be under warranty and additional labor to remove upgraded parts may be encountered to reassemble pumps.  Said services are not the norm but can run around $100 depending on the extent of wear.

Once ready, please mail it to the following address and do not leave the suite or box off or it will not be received.  All of our deliveries come through a UPS store:

15511 Hwy 71 West
Ste 110, #404
Austin, TX 78738

Here are some frequently asked questions:

    • What is the turnaround time?  There is no guarantee as far as time goes.  Things like holidays, illness, COVID, etc can impact schedules but the typical turnaround time is 2.5-4 weeks from the time your core is received but timeline varies due to the backlog in the shop and the wear on the pump.  If weights need to be repaired, additional time will be required.  
    • Are upgrades rebuilds?  NO!  Pumps are only broken down to the point required to perform the element upgrade and calibrate the pump.  Everything touched is cleaned and resealed.  Pumps sent in must be in good working order. We have seen pumps missing shut off valves, rack limiters, delivery valve holders, etc.  We need a complete pump.
    • Flyweights.  Occasionally worn pumps will need flyweights corrected.  This is a $100 charge to reshim them by a qualified 3rd party.  We will contact you prior to performing this task.  If you elect not to have it done, we will do our best to calibrate the pump to your specification but will not warranty to the performance of it.
    • Climbing RPM. Starting a om60x on a stand, the engine may climb in RPM when the engine has no load (transmission, etc).
    • Leaking pumps.  If the pump leaks after received, we will be more than happy to correct it unless it is coming from parts of the pump not touched to perform the upgrade.  We have also seen leaking issues where crankcase pressure is excessively high; this is out of our control.
    • Warranty?  Our lifetime warranty covers Dieselmeken parts, specified calibration and the initial labor to perform the upgrade.  This warranty is extended to the original customer who purchased the upgrade.  Recalibration after regular use is not included as a warranty item.  If you are seeking support for an upgrade and you are not the original purchaser, please contact us.  We stand behind our products but need to fully understand the circumstances surrounding the issue.  A warranty can be voided for the following reasons:
      • Any substance other than diesel is run through the upgraded pumps
      • Pumps have been disassembled
      • Any adjustments other than the ALDA have been made without our direction.  
      • Improper installation - for example starting an om60x with the pump lock installed damaging the pump internally.
    • Troubleshooting.  Please see documentation and links in the menus above.  We will always try to assist in troubleshooting issues but most problems come down to improper installation.  Stroke cycle, fuel supply, and timing are the most common issues but we are limited in what we can do without being physically present.  
      • Most common issues: Air in the hard lines, restrictor banjo bolt left off the engine side of the pump, wrong stroke and wrong timing.
      • om617 M & MW issues: worn lift pump, splined pump shaft's notch not aligned with the timing mark, pump not inserted at 24BTDC on the compression stroke, and drip timing not performed properly.  On swaps where the fuel tank is lower than the pump, siphoning may occur fighting the lift pump; use a check valve to prevent issues.
      • om60x M issues: Pump not timed appropriately.  Pumps should be timed to 8-10ATDC on the compression stroke.  Another problem that happens from time to time is that the pumps are dropped or jarred so hard during shipping that the pins slip out of the rack.  If things are not working right, you can take the side cover off the M pump and verify that all pins are in place.  Below is a picture of pins that have slipped out.  This is not a big deal, it just needs to be popped back into its holder and the side cover reinstalled.


    • Installation services.  We do not install injection pumps or perform work on customer's vehicles.  

Have a Wicked fun day! 


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